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One Lap of America 2001 - Bill and Mark's Excellent Adventure!
Great Stuff


When Bill and Mark aren't on track, large scale Slot Car Racing is one way they like to spend their time.  Check this out at Slot Car World!

If you want to take your car on track, check out Car Guys.  And if you want to learn how to drive badly, ask for Mark O'Dell as your instructor....

Editors Note:  We think Mark meant to say "if you badly want to learn how to drive..."

If you like to Autocross, check out the Tarheel Sports Car Club.  And even if you don't, they're a great group of folks to hang out with...

Without a doubt, the worlds best racing stories can be found at the Pulp Racing Website.  Check it out today...

Where track junkies go for their fix - the Corner Carvers online forum is an excellent place to visit...

If you need an exhaust for your car, R&J Custom Exhaust will take really good care of you.  Ask for Kerby, and tell them Mark sent you....

If you need a computer, buy a Compaq, otherwise Mark won't be able to support his racing habit...